Routine Podiatry and Chiropody treatment
- Toe-nail cutting
- Removal of hard skin/callus
- Enucleation/removal of corns
- Treatment of thickened toe-nails
Conservative Ingrown Toe Nail Treatment
We often see patients with involuted nails. This is where the nail curls in at the sides and can be incredibly painful if not cut correctly.
If you are in pain from an involuted nail or a nail which is digging in we recommend a routine appointment to help resolve this issue.
Often we can solve painful nails with a general foot care, but you may require nail surgery if no progress is made with conventional techniques
Verrucae treatment- Cryotherapy
We use a combination of therapies including:
- Cryotherapy – This involves freezing the area with liquid nitrogen/ nitrous oxide gas. This may need to be repeated over a period of time, depending upon the size of the verruca and the length of time it has been present.
- Excision Surgery – This involves the removing a layer of the verruca using a scalpel and applying Salicylic acid topically. This treatment again requires multiple applications,, but results in the disintegration of viral cells, allowing healthy cells to replace them.